Static Files as a Database

For a long time, we have been living in a world where we use default approaches without fully thinking about their purpose. Take WordPress as an example: it's a powerful application, but it requires MySQL as its database, and to make it fast, you often need Memcache to cache MySQL queries and reduce database load. Alongside, there's the WYSIWYG editor, which, in theory, allows users to edit HTML easily, but in practice often generates unreadable, bloated code.

Analyzing the Social Media Giants: Top Five Airlines' Digital Engagement

In today's digital age, social media presence is a crucial aspect of a company's marketing and customer engagement strategy. The airline industry is no exception, with leading airlines leveraging platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to connect with passengers, address concerns, and promote their services. This analysis examines the social media performance of the top five airlines, focusing on metrics

Fast food on Twitter: when to post, so you don't miss out

Nobody hangs out on social media all the time – not even social media analytics folks. Usually, people hop on their phones to chill out, relax, or get the latest scoop. And that's why different types of content work better at different times.

Life After Death: How Instagram Gives Life to Legendary Musicians of the Past

Is there death after life? If you are a world-class star, yes! Labels that get rich on your name and social networks where you are still alive, have followers, comments and likes will do all the work for you. So how to be successful even after your death?

Rolling Out Pinterest Analytics for Everyone

Big news, everyone! We are making a lot of changes this month. In 30 days from now:

  • We are moving to new Pinterest api.
  • Pinterest will be available for everyone, for all plans.
  • Google+ communities and Vine analytics will be discontinued.
  • Premium plans will be discontinued (plans that include Pinterest/Vine/Google+ communities).

Misleading A/B testing is simple

The classic A/B testing is a distribution between a different states. Let’s start from a general sample everyone uses. We have a site with a signup button, currently it’s blue, but we want to test a new color red.

How Often Top Brands Tweet

There’s no silver bullet on the ideal Posting Density on Twitter. You’ll have to find your own sweet spot just like main world brands have. Some of them definitely know how to rock on social media, so you should model yourself on them in the best way possible.

How to Stink on Facebook with 17 Millions Followers: Learn from Burberry

Burberry has 17 mln followers but only around 0.06% of them react to their posts. Why do they stink so much? And how to make sure that your brand isn’t falling into the same trap?

10 Tips to Start Making Amazing Content Right Now

Think you always need to wait for your personal muse to make great content? But what if this lady isn’t coming for several days? Here are some tips to get rid of this affliction and start creating amazing stuff right now!

Fujo's Steps for Social Media Success

I hope this article helps you to get started with measuring your social media performance and gives you some thoughts as to how you might make your social media activities more successful.

10 Tiny TrueSocialMetrics Tweaks to Save More Time On Your Social Media Analytics

If you are already using TrueSocialMetrics to analyze your social media pages (Thanks! We love you!) and are looking for ways to make the experience better and faster, you’ve come to the right person! :) I want to share with you 10 things you can do in your True account that will help you save tons of time everyday and gain insights faster.

30-Days Worth of Advice to Improve Your Social Media Presence

If you’re looking for ways to boost your social media stats, the best way to do it is to keep experimenting and trying new things. I’ve collected 30 small and simple experiments and growth hacks you can try this month to see what works for you. They’re all low-cost and easy to implement, but even the smallest tweaks can lead to great improvements.

Schedule tweets with TrueSocialMetrics

Tweets Scheduling is now available on True. Woohoo! We are thrilled to announce that now you can post and schedule tweets directly from your TrueSocialMetrics account. No need to switch between tools now - Post tweets and analyze them in one place.

Editorial Calendar Template to Save Time and Boost Your Social Presence

Let’s face it. Content creation is messy. You’ll need to post regularly to see results; don’t just sit and wait for your muse. But that’s not how it usually happens. There’s a way to make it less chaotic, though: Using Editorial calendar. Today I’m happy to share with you a template from Editorial calendar that we use here at TrueSocialMetrics.

Why You Need Social Media Analytics Tools for Your Business

How much do you actually know about the effects of your social media marketing efforts? Do you understand trending? Do you know how your content affects your target audience? Moreover, can you really tell what your target audience needs? And how about your competitors – are you aware how your content is perceived compared to the content provided by other companies? This is where social media analytics tools come in to give you detailed insights into all of these questions.

How to Analyze a Pinterest Account: Step-by-step Guide

As you may already heard Pinterest analytics is now available on TrueSocialMetrics. Customers can now analyze all personal or business Pinterest accounts with no login credentials required. Here’s a step by step guide on how to analyze a Pinterest account and its competitors.

Three Things Everyone Should Learn About Analytics

Your site, social media page, or brand are like a dark room - you have no idea what’s going on inside, how customers interact with your product, what they think about your content and so on. That is, until you turn on the flashlight of analytics. Suddenly, you can see that customers hated your posts about super bowl and your inspirational proverbs but totally loved your silly videos about cats; that they had troubles subscribing to your newsletter on a site and have no idea how to navigate the pricing page.

Google+ Communities: Analyzing Community Health

If you are a community owner or just evaluating in which community to participate or represent your brand, it's a good thing to study a community's health and see what's going on behind the bare Number of Followers. Let's compare the top 5 social media marketing communities on G+.

The Most Viral Type of Pins: Barney’s on Pinterest

I stumbled upon an interesting technique Barney’s uses to present their clothes and accessories on Pinterest. They always make 2 types of pins for each product: an “Individual Product” and a “Product in a Setting”. I couldn’t just walk by and not compare the effectiveness of both methods of product representation. Which one is more likely to be re-pinned and liked - an “individual product” or a “product in a setting” format?

Movies on Facebook: Creative Ways to Promote DVD Releases

The main goal of Facebook pages for Movies is to promote their theater release and boost tickets sales. But when the show is over, the work continues for a second wave to come - disk releases. I was curious what creative content techniques film studios use to promote their disk releases. So I looked at the best movies of 2014 and used the Content Segmentation feature to analyze it.

DoubleTree Hotels on Facebook: Benchmarking from Fellow-brands

A huge unfair advantage of big brands with regional branches and sister-brands is the ability to create their own internal standard to compare with and benchmark effective content tactics from the fellow-brands. Let’s study the case of some famous hotel chains’ presence on Facebook, like DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton in Europe.

Luxury Brands on Facebook: Analyzing Best and Worst Content, or Why Prada Fans Hate Suits

Have you ever wondered how luxury brands are doing in social media? In this article we’ll uncover what sophisticated content tactics do marketers of luxury goods use to engage their fans and how they compete with each other. And why Prada fans hate suits. We’ll analyze the Facebook accounts of the 6 top luxury brands, Burberry, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Hermes.

How Oreo Rocks in Twitter: Using Content Segmentation for Tweets Analysis

Oreo has one of the most active and effective social media strategies, which has earned them several awards in the past. So let’s look at their Twitter account to study the content and benchmark some great ideas from this super cookie.

Why You Should Stop Trying to Measure ROI for Social Media Marketing

Stop making your boss and clients unhappy by trying to measure the ROI of your Social Media efforts. It’s quite obvious that different channels/content/keywords should be targeted to a different needs of users, depending on their current stage of Buying Decision Process. But what almost everyone overlook is that KPIs should also be chosen according to a stage.

Google Analytics Multi-device Tracking and Measurement Protocol

Nowadays marketing and analytics are facing a new challenge after the PC era. It’s multi-device tracking. Customers are using smartphones, laptops, home pc and our analytics software counts them as different user sessions.

Soda Wars: Top Soda Brands on Twitter

As long as we remember there was an intense rivalry between soda brands on the market. Everyday this Soda War unfolds on different battlefields and one of them is Social Media. In this study we’ll take a look at top 5 soda brands on Twitter at Summer 2013 to assess and compare their Twitter accounts performance.

Analyzing The Best Facebook Campaigns 2012

It’s always curious to learn the best practices from the top performers. But even more interesting to know what’s going on behind the official results of the best social media campaigns. What happened ever after the successful activity? What creative techniques were used to engage followers? Let's analyze the best 3 Facebook campaigns of Facebook Studio 2013 award winners. And find something curious.

Google Plus Communities Analytics: Social Media Communities

When you choose in which community to participate or compare your own community with competitive ones you usually look at the number of followers. The more, the better. But on practice, it’s not always the case. What really matters is how active they are. Nobody likes deadly silent unresponsive communities.

Lock-in Landing Pages - the Way to Nowhere

Lately, lock-in landing pages has become more popular because they are claimed to increase conversion rate. The general idea of such page is to remove all the destructions, unimportant parts of a page, to help people walk straight to the goal

Lie to Me: Bad Metrics for Social Media

The best way to screw up your social media analytics is to choose bad metrics or use them incorrectly. Here are the best ways to do it.

Infographic: Which Social Networks Are the Most Engaging

We have studied the top five american airlines to find out which social media sites generate more engagement with their posts.

Social Media: From Shouting to Conversation

The era of TV commercial, printed press, radio and other “monoloque-marketing” channels has passed into shadow. The main benefit of the new communication channels is a user response. But, got used to the old channels, marketers still use the new ones by the same scheme: omnipresent shouting about their brand, not counting on response.

Conversation / Amplification / Applause Rates Usage Best Practices

Describing the best ways to use these three metrics and some additional measurement techniques to make the analysis even more valuable and insightful.

Why Measuring the Number of Followers is a Bad Idea

Why does everyone consider the number of followers a valuable metric and why it is truly not helpful for your business. I'm trying to bust the followers myths.

Top 5 American Pizza Brands in Social Media

I've compared Facebook activity of the top 5 american pizza brands: Pizza Hut, Domino's, Papa John's, Little Caesars, Papa Murphy\’s to see who rocks in Social Media Marketing.

Measuring and Improving Adwords Campaign

Our first attempt to use Adwords was a little bit disappointing :) The traffic from Adwords had poor quality and was very expensive. So here\’s our story how we dealt with this. The main reasons for our fiasco were problems with Quality score of the keywords. The symptoms looked like that: the keywords were degrading with the flow of time.

AB Testing with Google Analytics and Event Tracking

As you know by default Google Analytics experiments works only with separate pages and it works well when you are stating advertising campaign. So you can control destination url. But what todo, if you doesn't control your traffic source: search, referral, social media posting. That's the main issue. But we will have simple solution how to fix it.